Distress, Anxiety and Negative Emotion

Distress, Anxiety and Negative Emotion

Therapy, counselling and distress

It is important to comment on the potential of these exercises being distressing. Reflecting on what behaviours and ways of living bring meaning to our lives (our values) could be distressing and traumatic for some. If you are currently undergoing therapy or counselling then I advise you to bring your interest in exploring your values to your next session. They will likely be able to do this with you in a much safer space than being on your own.

Alternatively, if you experience significant distress, anxiety or negative emotions while completing some of these exercises then please don't force yourself to continue. Identifying and connecting with our values is usually an energising experience. So if it makes you very distressed, then this might be something that you could benefit from taking to counselling or therapy. Your mental well-being is of most importance!

General discomfort

Having said this, some discomfort in the form of stress, mild anxiety, confusion or negative emotions may arise depending on our circumstances. For example, the realisation that we may have spent most of our life not living our values could be upsetting. In a less severe example, if this is the first time we've considered what we value in life, then the process could be quite difficult. If you experience mild discomfort then I advise you to use your own judgement on how best to proceed.

If you would like to discuss it with me then feel free to email me at [email protected]. Start your subject header with 'Discomfort'.

Having said all this, identifying and connecting with our values can be a fun, informative and empowering process. So I wish you the best of luck and hope you find the process satisfying.

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