Welcome & Course Aims

Welcome & Course Aims


Hello and welcome to this values clarification course. Values work is something that I am passionate about and I believe it can provide a strong foundation to help us live our lives more meaningfully in the present, while also providing a framework from which to make plans and goals for the future. These future goals will then hopefully allow us to continue living in a way that is personally meaningful. 

I have taken the majority of these exercises and lessons from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy - an evidence-based field that has a strong preference for working with values, as well as other related literature, such as that published by Professor Michael F. Steger, Jenna LeJuene and Jason B. Luoma. 

I fully endorse this method, as I personally use this same process to clarify my own values and inform my actions and behaviours in the present, and in the goals I set for the future.

Course aims

In this course we will: 

  1. Clarify 5 - 10 values - ways of living that we feel are the most personally meaningful
  2. Understand how our values influence our thoughts, behaviours and goals
  3. Highlight what values we are currently living the most and least
  4. Cultivate a life of greater meaning and purpose, both immediately and long into the future
  5. Create a Life Mission Statement and start delivering on it

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