About Me

I’m a masters student of Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology, and I combine these two psychological fields to help others engage meaningfully with their lives and enhance their well-being.

If you’d like to know a little more about me, my passions, coaching styles and personal story, then I invite you to explore the About Me page of my site. 

Lifestyle Design for Well-Being - Full-Series

Each course in this series is designed to help us shape our lives to cultivate greater purpose, engagement, success, happiness and well-being, with a focus on harnessing our strengths and meaningful living. Courses included in this series are:

  1. Primer: Happiness & Feeling Good
  2. Primer: Doing Good & Well-Being
  3. Well-Being Assessment
  4. Harnessing Strengths
  5. Valued Living
  6. Goal Setting for Well-Being & Performance
  7. Bonus Course: Well-Being Interventions & Exercises

In addition to the above courses, you will receive a live, video Lifestyle Design for Well-Being Summary Session, subject to availability in my calendar.

Price - £199.99

Lifestyle Design for Well-Being - Mini-Series

Each course in this series is designed to help us shape our lives to cultivate greater purpose, engagement, authentic success happiness and well-being. Courses included in this series are:

  1. Primer: Happiness & Feeling Good
  2. Primer: Doing Good & Well-Being
  3. Well-Being Assessment
  4. Goal Setting for Well-Being & Performance
  5. Bonus Course: Well-Being Interventions & Exercises

In addition to the above courses, you will receive a live, video Lifestyle Design for Well-Being Summary Session, subject to availability in my calendar.

Please note - this series excludes the Harnessing Strengths & Valued Living courses that are included in the Lifestyle Design for Well-Being - Full Series.

This series is best suited to those who feel they already sufficiently understand their strengths and what makes their life meaningful, or want to start setting goals immediately.

Price - £124.99

Harnessing Strengths & Valued Living Series

This course will help us identify, understand and harness our strengths and values, and see how they influence our thinking and actions day-to-day. We round off the series by identifying which values we are living the most and least, and by integrating our strengths and values into a life-directing Personal Mission Statement. This can help us cultivate meaning and purpose.

A one-time payment will award you with full access to two courses, these are:

  1. Harnessing Strengths
  2. Valued Living

Price - £74.99

Valued Living

In this course, we will:

1 - Clarify 5 - 10 values - ways of living that we feel are the most personally meaningful

2 - Understand how our values influence our thoughts, behaviours and goals

3 - Highlight what values we are currently living the most and least

4 - Cultivate a life of greater meaning and purpose, both immediately and long into the future

5 - Create a life mission statement and start delivering on it

Click on the button below to learn more about this course and what the journey through it might look like.

Price - £49.99

Harnessing Strengths

In this course, we will:

1 - Learn the science of character strengths

2 - Clarify our strengths through self-assessments and validated assessments

3 - Boost our understanding and capacity for using our top strengths

4 - Boost our understanding and capacity for using our interests and resources

Click on the button below to learn more about this course and what the journey through it might look like.

Price - £49.99

Coaching & Courses

Each course can be completed in your own time through self-learning. However if you would like, I also offer one-to-one coaching to really enhance learning, authentic expression and progress.

If you are interested in combining a course with coaching then I invite you to explore the Well-Being Coaching section of my site before buying anything. If you don't want to waste time, you can book your first free coaching session straight away. 

Frequently Asked Questions


Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

I offer a 30-day money-back-guarantee if you are unsatisfied with any purchase. I advise you do your best to explore the material within the first month of gaining access. After 30 days, I am afraid I will no longer offer a refund.



Who is each series or course best suited to?

Lifestyle Design for Well-Being – Full Series

This series is best for those who want to live a more engaged, purpose driven and meaningful life. If you've often wanted more happiness or improved well-being, but have been confused about where to start, then this series is for you. In this series, we take a holistic look at the science of well-being and how it applies to us. This series has a heavy focus on strengths and values.


Lifestyle Design for Well-Being – Mini-Series

If you've often wanted more happiness or improved well-being, but have been confused about where to start, then this series is for you. In this series, we take a holistic look at the science of well-being and how it applies to us. This series excludes the Harnessing Strengths and Valued Living courses. Participants of this course would ideally already have a sufficient understanding of their strengths and what makes their life meaningful or important. This course would suit those who want to shape their life to enhance their well-being but aren’t interested in exploring their strengths and values.

Harnessing Strengths & Valued Living

This series is ideal for those who want to enhance their understanding of their strengths and values. Are you aware of what you are really good at and do naturally? Are you aware of the activities that you find intrinsically motivating and choose to engage in for their own sake? Do you know what makes your life important? Do you know what makes your life meaningful? Do you know what you want your life to stand for?

Valued Living

This course is ideal for those who want to enhance their understanding of their values and what makes their life meaningful. Do you know what makes your life important? Do you know what makes your life meaningful? Do you know what you want your life to stand for?

Harnessing Strengths

This course is ideal for those who want to enhance their understanding of their strengths. Are you aware of what you are really good at and do naturally? Are you aware of the activities that you find intrinsically motivating and choose to engage in for their own sake?



How long does each series or course take?

The time it takes to complete each course or series is dependent on how frequently we commit time to it, and how quickly we proceed through the material and various exercises. Everyone will do it differently.

The Harnessing Strengths and Valued Living courses are the largest and require the most investment of time and effort. I advise spreading these two courses over roughly 2 - 4 weeks each for maximum benefit.

Approximate time to complete:

Lifestyle Design for Well-Being – Full Series: The total estimated time of the full series could be anywhere from 15 - 35 hours. If three hours per week were dedicated to each course, then it could take approximately 1 - 3 months to complete.

Lifestyle Design for Well-Being – Mini-Series: The total estimated time of the mini-series could be anywhere from 6 - 15 hours. If three hours per week were dedicated to each course, then it could take approximately 2 - 5 weeks to complete.

Harnessing Strengths and Valued Living Series: Each course could take anywhere between 5 – 10 hours to complete, each. So that’s a total of between 10-20 hours for the entire series.

Valued Living: This course could take anywhere between 5 – 10 hours to complete.

Harnessing Strengths: This course could take anywhere between 5 – 10 hours to complete.


I want to combine this material with coaching, how do I do this?

If you are certain that you want to combine this material with coaching, then please book a free chemistry session with me before buying anything. I offer special deals and discounts for coaching clients when bulk coaching sessions are purchased.