Do you want to...

Unravel the mysteries of well-being and happiness?

Discover and harness your strengths, interests and values?

Carve a path towards your meaningful goals? 

Live with energy, purpose and engagement?

Cultivate happiness and well-being?

Achieve authentic and healthy success?

Lifestyle Design for Well-Being - Full Series

Each course in the Lifestyle Design for Well-Being - Full Series is designed to help us achieve exactly this. Course by course, we will start shaping a life of greater purpose, engagement, authentic success, happiness and well-being.

Scroll down to explore each course in the series… 

About Me

I’m a masters student of Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology, and I combine these two psychological fields to help others engage meaningfully with their lives and enhance their well-being.

If you’d like to know a little more about me, my passions, coaching styles and personal story, then I invite you to explore the About Me page of my site. 

The Student Journey

Each course is designed to be completed in a linear order, from the first to the last course. The two Primer courses introduce us to the science of happiness and well-being, setting the scene for the need for a holistic approach to well-being.

The Well-Being Assessment course uses various psychological measures to assess all the different aspects of happiness and well-being covered in the Primers.

We then take a deep dive into our strengths and values in the Harnessing Strengths and Valued Living courses. In Valued Living, we integrate our strengths and values into a life-directing Personal Mission Statement.

The Goal Setting for Well-Being & Performance course brings together all of our hard work so far. Our new knowledge of what leads to happiness and well-being in life, combined with insight from our assessments, strengths and values, allows us to create meaningful, intrinsically motivating goals that enhance our well-being in the present, and long into the future. We take an active role in shaping our lives for increased well-being and happiness, and continually review our goals and circumstances to sustain our progress.

Finally, we have the option of incorporating various interventions from the Bonus Course to catalyse and facilitate our goals and wider well-being. 

Coaching & Courses

This series can be completed in your own time through self-learning. However if you would like, I also offer one-to-one coaching to really enhance learning, authentic expression and progress.

If you are interested in combining the course with coaching then I invite you to explore the Well-Being Coaching section of my site before buying anything. If you don't want to waste time, you can book your first free coaching session straight away. 

Purchasing the Series

If you are considering combining this series with coaching, then I encourage you to get in touch with me. Booking a block of 8 coaching sessions awards you with a discount on the course. Visit the Well-Being Coaching page of my website, or go straight to the Contact page.

Alternatively, if you just want immediate access to the course without coaching, then please proceed below.

Frequently Asked Questions


Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

I offer a 30-day money-back-guarantee if you are unsatisfied with any purchase. I advise you do your best to explore the material within the first month of gaining access. After 30 days, I am afraid I will no longer offer a refund.



What order do I complete the courses in?

The courses in the full series are designed to be completed in a specific order. This order is:

1.    Primer: Happiness and Feeling Good

2.    Primer: Doing Good and Well-Being

3.    Well-Being Assessment

4.    Harnessing Strengths

5.    Valued Living

6.    Goal Setting for Well-Being & Performance

7.    Bonus Course: Well-Being Interventions & Exercises

All of the courses follow on from one another. Jumping around is therefore very likely to make things confusing. However if you are very motivated to move quickly to goal setting, then you could leave the Harnessing Strengths and Valued Living courses until the end. I discuss this in the Introduction course.



I want to combine this material with coaching, how do I do this?

If you are certain that you want to combine this material with coaching, then please book a free chemistry session with me before buying anything. I offer special deals and discounts for coaching clients when bulk coaching sessions are purchased.



How long does it take to complete each course and the entire series?

The time it takes to complete each course and the entire series is dependent on how frequently we commit time to it, and how quickly we proceed through the material and various exercises. Everyone will do it differently.

The Harnessing Strengths and Valued Living courses are the largest and require the most investment of time and effort. I advise spreading these two courses over roughly 2 - 4 weeks each for maximum benefit.

The total estimated time of the full series could be anywhere from 15 - 35 hours. If three hours per week were dedicated to each course, then it could take approximately 1 - 3 months to complete.



What is the ratio of learning to practical exercises?

This series contains mostly practical exercises. The first two Primary courses provide a thorough education on happiness and well-being. The remaining courses entail frequent exercises and action. They each contain short educational sections to introduce you to the topic, e.g. to understand the science of strengths and values, and are then followed by many different exercises designed to get us thinking, discovering, planning and acting. Do not expect to sit back and simply read through the material. A lot of effort is required on your part. But it is this active effort that leads to the most benefit. 



What does this series achieve for me?

This series is designed to increase our understanding of the science of happiness and well-being. We will then increase our self-knowledge - including our values, strengths, interests, resources and life needs. We will then combine all of this to cultivate various aspects of well-being, such as engagement, relationships, purpose, meaning, accomplishment, goal striving, health, satisfying psychological needs and general happiness.



Who is this series for?

This series is best for those who want to live a more engaged, purpose driven and meaningful life. If you've often wanted more happiness or improved well-being, but have been confused about where to start, then this series is for you. In this series, we take a holistic look at the science of well-being and how it applies to us. This series has a heavy focus on strengths and values.

It is also important to emphasise the title of this series, Lifestyle Design for Well-Being. Students are encouraged to actively plan and shape their lives, both in the present and into the future, to enhance their well-being. The ultimate goal is to align our lives with the science of well-being, happiness, and what we feel is important.

This series is best suited to someone who is willing to put in the effort and is committed to making a positive change in their life. It is best if students are in a stable emotional state. Some of the exercises and lessons require a lot of deep reflection, followed by committed action. If we are currently engulfed in emotional struggles, then it might be difficult to fully engage with this course.



Who is this series not for?

As mentioned above, this series is about creating and shaping a life of greater well-being. We will take a holistic view of our lives and work our way down to making specific goals that enhance our quality of life. If we already have very specific goals in mind e.g. to improve relationships, overcome anxieties, increase confidence or to find meaningful work, then we might benefit from a course or professional who specialises in this particular area.

Another important point to make is that this series isn't designed to teach us how to manage our emotions, or how to overcome significant causes of distress e.g. anxiety, depression, trauma etc. If you are currently experiencing significant distress and emotional struggles, then I encourage you to seek specific professional advice e.g. with a counsellor or therapist.



Can I complete this series on my phone?

Parts of the series can be completed using a phone, e.g. the two Primer courses on happiness and well-being, as these courses consist mainly of reading. However, further courses require more interactive use of Google Drive programmes such as Google Docs and Google Sheets. Completing these exercises and having the freedom to express ourselves in the reflections will likely be difficult to do using a small phone touchscreen. A computer is advised for these activities.

Purchasing the Series

If you are considering combining this series with coaching, then I encourage you to get in touch with me. Booking a block of 8 coaching sessions awards you with a discount on the course. Visit the Well-Being Coaching page of my website, or go straight to the Contact page.

Alternatively, if you just want immediate access to the course without coaching, then please proceed below.